Current-era Microsoft continuing to push the boundaries of consent.

Microsoft Edge is a good browser but for some reason Microsoft keeps trying to shove it down everyone’s throat and make it more difficult to use rivals like Chrome or Firefox. Microsoft has now started notifying IT admins that it will force Outlook and Teams to ignore the default web browser on Windows and open links in Microsoft Edge instead.

  • Oh. I’m not arguing. They all have scummy methods to try and enforce their app over someone else’s. Microsoft is kinda the worst about it tho.

    I was just commenting on how cyclic it all is. Firefox was bloated and IE just overall sucked. Chrome came around touting how blazing fast it was with it’s V8 javascript engine but once they had market share the bloat crept in. Then msft came out with Edge, which was lean and mean and actually a nice browser. But the bloat didn’t even creep this time, it just poured in.

    I’m hoping since Firefox isn’t part of the FAANG that the bloat will be kept at bay.