I just moved over to Lemmy and have been looking for a good Lemmy app for iOS to scratch that Apollo itch and so far, Mlem has been the only good option! But there are a few things that I still miss from Apollo that I’d love to see implemented here in the future. So here are my suggestions:

  1. The gap: I have no idea why the bugs me to much but I loved the little gap between posts in Apollo. I feel like it made the pages look a lot cleaner

  2. Text size: being able to change text size would be very nice

  3. Up to down: being able to switch the upvote and downvote options in the swipe options was very nice in Apollo. I find a long swipe is easier to do while a short swipe requires more thought

  4. Tap for next: In Apollo, there is a button in the comments view that scrolls to the next comment when talked and goes back to the last when held down. Being able to skip all the relied and go straight to the next one was nice

I think that’s it. Great work on the app so far guys!