• Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    That is 100% some “ugh, stupid freshmen” nonsense.

    Plenty of older folk are just as incapable of critical thought as kids. Spend any time doing tech support (or what people think is tech support) and you will lose all faith in humanity. Lots of people not only die stupid but are proud of it.

    I will agree that it is incredibly unlikely to find someone in their teens who want to reevaluate their world views. You tend to only see that begin at college age as people begin to work real jobs or meet a wider range of people. But there are still plenty of people who think “Ha ha, you care” or “Ugh, this is so stupid. Why would anyone want to learn this?” are witty responses.

    But also? Those kids might be on the verge of learning how to learn, as it were. They are starting to actually Listen to the media they consume and think about what that means. They still may be obnoxious little shits but… we all were at that age. And those of us who learned how to be better were largely from being called out for shitty stuff.

    But just being older does not at all make people more likely to want to learn or listen to others.

    • imitihe
      1 year ago

      Kids have to at least go through a phase where they develop their own identity (and not everyone does go through that, even then). But most children and teens still have their values tied to an idea of how they believe their idols/parents/friends and so on perceive it, it’s an active part of brain development to decouple yourself from that and stop thinking about your decisions through a lens of how you think other people think about your decisions/likes/thoughts.