Hello everyone! During one of those illuminated evenings, I got the idea to move my small server in Scaleway to some more powerful server in Hetzner. If I will make the move, I am thinking of splitting the server in various VMs, to host different services that belongs to different trust boundaries, for example:

  • A Lemmy/writefreely instance
  • Vaultwarden/Gitea
  • Wireguard tunnel to my home infrastructure
  • Blogs, and other convenience services

In order to achieve the best level of separation, I was thinking of using VMs. My default choice would be Proxmox, because I used it in the past, and because I generally trust it, however I am trying to evaluate multiple options, and maybe someone has good or better experiences to share.

Other options I thought about are:

  • Run everything in Docker. I am going to do this nevertheless, but Docker escapes are always possible, especially with public facing images that I did not write myself and/or that require a host volume.
  • KVM directly? I am OK even without a GUI to be honest. I am not aware if there is some ansible module or even better Terraform provider for this, it would be great.
  • ESxi? I have no experience with this solution.

Any idea or recommendation?

  • sudneo@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Good point, I don’t have any advanced use case, except maybe some slightly more complex network setup. Probably this is achievable with KVM too (and/or some firewall-fu). I would like to have fully IaC, so I don’t have to click through guis, so the availability of Terraform providers might be a dealbreaker (which I didn’t look yet for Proxmox, for example).