Hey everyone!

Thought it would be helpful to have a thread in the community that isn’t just about constant armchair political analysis. Feel free to chat about anything here, as long as it fits with the community’s rules!

  • Red Wizard 🪄
    1 year ago

    Yeah I know people in that age bracket and they do the same thing. They’re not very politically involved so it’s excusable to some degree. However, you would think that if you’re in politics you would have read up on and understood things like Marxism-Leninism, or any other political school of thought. Even if only to have an awareness of them.

    I don’t know, maybe I’m brain broken, but I enjoy reading theory! I’m not even remotely in politics…

    But coming to the conclusion that we need decommodify housing and maybe even encourage mixed use zoning over single family zoning is probably a hard pill to swallow when you were born in the 60s and lived in suburbia your whole life. It’s a lot easier to just say nice things about minorities and freedom and democracy and whatever, then it is to admit that the foundation of the figurative house is crumbling and coming up with a plan to fix it.