It’s been 5 years since I’ve had my last beer. I’ve been drinking alcohol since I was 17 years old, I quit when I was 36. Growing up alcohol was always present during birthdays and other parties, it was part of life. I lived in a small town and every weekend most people were going out and would drink beer. I absolutely loved the feeling. During my uni years the alcohol would flow 6 days a week, Sundays were usually rest days. It was the best time of my life. Alcohol was a big part of it, I have done things I regret, but I don’t regret drinking alcohol. It definitely made life more fun and I never felt like an addict; I never worried about my drinking (my mother did though as I would smell like alcohol on Sundays after a heavy night drinking).

Then uni was over and it was time for working 40 hours per week, my alcohol intake went down. I got a family, house, etc. At the start of my 30s I started to worry more about drinking. I started to Google my drinking habits, whether I was drinking too much or not. When comparing myself to others I could always find somebody else who’d drink more so I wasn’t an addict, right? I started to set maximums, but I would usually drink more, and regret it the next day. Hangovers became worse; just 5 to 6 standard drinks on a Saturday would mean 2 days hangover.

I was never drunk at home and my wife & kids didn’t notice the negative side, except the hangovers after a party. So, I thought again, I’m not an addict?

But I noticed things were getting worse, I worried more and more, so at 36 I decided to quit. I quit cold turkey on a holiday. It was weird and emotional, as holidays were usually a time where I didn’t impose any limits on my alcohol intake. It was I lost a good friend.

I had an awesome time, and I’ve never had a drink since.

Someone asked me the other day if I don’t miss alcohol. Yes, I miss the buzz, and the taste of a nice IPA, but I don’t miss the whole package of craving, hangovers, and regrets. So, no, I don’t miss alcohol.

Sorry for the long story, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

    1 year ago

    I am so proud of you man, you are an inspiration! I struggled a lot with porn and been trying to quit for the last 5 years, 2 weeks ago I read the EasyPeasy method and I really feel this is the time. I can’t wait to be 1 month sober, then 6 months, then a whole year. It must feel so good to reach 5 years, keep it up!