• robinn@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Largely agree, but the China point is wrong. China is not genociding Uyghurs; China has billionaires, yes, but this is only due to China’s unique place in underdevelopment and the “skipping” of the capitalist stage which necessitates a “primary stage” socialist economy, read this article on China’s billionaires and SWCC; what is this stock market point? China’s economy is dominated by public enterprise. 24 of the 25 (12 of 12) top earning companies in China are SOEs, 70% of the top 500 companies in China are SOEs, 75% of the 109 Chinese companies on the global top 500 are SOEs; China has ~150,000 SOEs which in total yield produce more profits than the private sector, with the CPC reaping ~60% of profits from POEs, while POEs shrink in nationalization and state deconstruction while SOEs grow (both in dominance, size, and productivity). This is all of course focusing on an exoskeleton which ignores the internal structure that serves the proletariat through a variety of ways.