If Ukraine fails this year, Uncle Sam will have egg on his face, and that’s not a good look for Washington DC! In all seriousness though, this war is a disaster for many reasons. I’m embarrassed to see the Reddit mob supporting Ukraine. They see Zelensky as the underdog.

“Ukraine has a right to defend itself”

It ignores the question of why the English-speaking countries have to finance the war.

I’d prefer it if Parliament would stay out of this. Instead they should focus on the hardships that New Zealanders are currently undergoing. We probably won’t win a war with Russia or China. It’s a recipe for disaster. Just imagine if Ukraine had the manpower and equipment to reach the Kerch Straight Bridge, and then attack Crimea. If it ever happened I think Russia would bring out tactical nukes which have a 400 diametre blast, if I’m not mistaken. They’re not going to give up their naval base that they’ve had since Catherine The Great, over 200 years ago. It’s one of Russia’s few external bases, along with the port in Tartus, Syria.

The Kiwis who support Ukraine right now will be the people who support Taiwan when China blockades the island. It’s really cute that a small handful of Kiwis are fighting in Ukraine and showing a laser kiwi flag, that doesn’t mean we have to support a war. The NZ government could go neutral on this if they wanted to, but for some reason everyone has to pick a side whenever somebody in Europe goes to war.