You know, back over in /r/Australia if you even sneeze you get censored. If you ask why you were censored you got banned. Anything apposed to the mods views had you post taken down.

Will Lemmy be different? Is it different mods?

  • Ada
    151 year ago

    I think we’d all be better served by pretending reddit doesn’t exist, rather than trying to bring reddit drama over here.

  • comfy
    31 year ago

    Is it different mods? Yes.

    Well, that obviously depends what you were being banned or censored for, I don’t know what your situation was. This Lemmy instance has global rules too on the front page, they’re just less pro-corporate and neoliberal because we’re not trying to make profit like reddit does, and we have more capacity for individual attention. So if, for example, you’re intentionally trolling or posting pro-nazi garbage you’ll still get a banhammer. But I really doubt anyone has been banned or censored just for asking why they were banned.

    I’ve been in this instance for a year and never been banned.

      211 months ago

      I was banned from /r/australia for posting a picture of Murdoch print media front page similarities. It was something akin to: “here’s todays headlines” pictures of front pages “You can see all of the similarities” I was perma-banned for “posting a meme”.

    • @makingStuffForFun@lemmy.mlOP
      01 year ago

      Banned for asking why. Factual. Not making that up.

      Shadow banned in another account for posting an article that debunked one of the mods sources.

      Many censored comments, as they didn’t align with the mods world view.

      And no, this was all before covid. None of that nonsense.

      So another Australia group was created by another guy out of frustration. Turned out he ended up censoring everything that wasn’t aligned to inner city Melbourne extreme left.

      I’m a pretty left centre guy. I like to get along. Those places are just the worst.

      So. Am happy to be here and will happily contribute.

  • Lvxferre
    01 year ago

    Note to self: I’ll ban anyone from my communities that dares to lie that we’re in Spring instead of Autumn. OP wouldn’t be banned!

    Jokes aside: mods in Lemmy look considerably more chill than in Reddit, as long as you aren’t disingenuous. That’s just my impression though so YMMV.

    -41 year ago

    man i couldn’t utter shit properly without anyone making it personal. plus the anti mysogine mods, just simping for females u/ 's

  • Designate
    -61 year ago

    That thread was run by inner melbourne greens voters. what do you expect …