It should not take three minutes to cross a road

Yet as @DrTCombs shows in this video, many road crossings are designed to make pedestrians wait at least that long before getting a walk signal.

This video shows one such crossing in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but there are many more intersections like this across North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

#cycling #pedestrians #walkablecities #walking #urbanism #UrbanPlanning #planning #bike #cycle #cities @fuck_cars @green

    1 year ago

    @DrTCombs @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars @green Sorry but coming across the pond we used to told don’t jaywalk in the same sentence of never reach for the glovebox in the presence of a cop. Hope they are both myths but don’t want to be the one who finds out they may be not.

    We have enough trouble with our own cops who can often ‘forget’ the law if they take against our cycling. But that has improved over the years.