It should not take three minutes to cross a road

Yet as @DrTCombs shows in this video, many road crossings are designed to make pedestrians wait at least that long before getting a walk signal.

This video shows one such crossing in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, but there are many more intersections like this across North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

#cycling #pedestrians #walkablecities #walking #urbanism #UrbanPlanning #planning #bike #cycle #cities @fuck_cars @green

    1 year ago

    @ajsadauskas @DrTCombs @fuck_cars @green You’re so right. I do most of my local travel on foot or on two wheels. NYC is very walkable and there are some good, protected bike paths. On a visit to Nashville I could only leave my hotel by car. A 3 mile walk to the office became a 7 mile taxi drive. It isn’t uncommon in other cities but it’s sickening — and people wonder why we’re causing climate change and getting fat?