All the poor artists and creators on Twitter.

Prior to today, you could opt out of having your posts used for AI / generative training. The new amended terms and conditions have made it impossible to do so.

Will this artist exodus make Blue$kkky better? probably not but it would be funny if it did

    • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
      1 day ago

      you’re just describing Capital in general.

      Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks. The time during which the labourer works, is the time during which the capitalist consumes the labour-power

      All capital is ossified value from past labor, which gave its “life” as labor to the expression of the value contained in its product, the realization of which occurs at the exact point the capitalist can parasitically extract its surplus which will be done; and when enough labor has been sucked up in large enough quantities, it is ossified as more capital upon which and toward the further augmentation of which, the ‘next generation’ of living labor will give its own ‘life’ just as all of the ‘generations’ of dead labor before it. It is no great surprise, then, that the capital of vulture capitalists in silicon valley are the same and function the same. As people have been saying online for a long time, under capitalism if you’re not paying for the product, and the company is for-profit, you are the product (but more accurately, you are certainly producing the product).

      As always in history, the question with new technology remains about its ownership, and the social relations in the societal organization in which it arose and exists. Just as the question is and has been the same regarding all of the other automated means of production which have been putting people out of work for 15+ years (but which much of the internet didn’t care all too much about until it started now affecting petty bourgeois jobs and interests); which remains the same question as all means of production and subsistence. Its ownership, and the social relations in the societal organization from which they arose and in which they exist.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 day ago

        Not all capital in general is as universally energy demanding, polluting, or exists in the exact same material conditions (such as an already decaying environment and escalating climate collapse).

        A better economic system would use the technology responsibly and wouldn’t permit such a wasteful data base sprawl to happen, especially not for techbro whims.