Reactionaries stealing something black people invented to describe a real problem and then twisting it into horrid bullshit isn’t new I guess.

Literally had a boomer today try to out me as a “Karen” for mildly disagreeing with him. I literally wasn’t even being combative.

I have a headache. I am so tired of these adult children. Reactionary boomers are something else.

How do you deal with these kind of fucks that want to make a fucking scene over minor bullshit that doesn’t even matter? Holy hell these people are exhausting.

  • neo [he/him]
    5 days ago

    I think reactionary boomers are not worth engaging with as soon as they unveil themselves. Their brains don’t function at all.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      5 days ago

      This is true when you have the choice, but sometimes you have to work with these people, or they’re at family meetings (assuming you are fine with most of the family), or they spontaneously hatecrime you on the train out of fucking nowhere. Not engaging with reactionaries is a good idea in general, but if that’s achievable in practice varies a lot. I try to decenter straight people, men, boomers etc. in my life as much as possible and spend a lot of time in my comfy woke bubbles, and it does me a lot of good, but there’s limits to how far i can realistically take that.