Why hasn’t someone built an XMR web-miner that is first & foremost made to replace captchas & reduce spam while also generating revenue?
I imagine the profit potential would be quite high for anyone who could implement their own solution & maybe like XMRig have a default donation value to get paid for creating thing.
It would be amazing if as a website owner I could have set difficulties to preform certain tasks & the server could send users work units for users to complete, obviously at a much lower difficulty but if they manage to actually complete the work or get a correct hash then it could be designed to automatically send that back. Increased revenue (maybe enough to replace ads), less spam, & no captchas for users, everyone would win & all this extra mining would increase the security of the Monero network.
Is there an obvious reason I’m not seeing as to why this hasn’t been done?
Web mining was tried before. The payoff per hash is too small, far less profitable than inserting ads onto a website.
Also everyone lost their collective minds about us using their CPU