• OrnluWolfjarl
    2 days ago

    Back when youtube was 6 months old, it was quickly becoming overtaken by Christian Creationist preachers and other such pseudoscience peddlers. They ranged from well-funded organizations with hired production crew, to lone individuals talking to a webcam. This led to a massive surge for various movements like flat-earthers, creationists, moon-projectionists, moon-landing deniers etc, with the pinnacle being a very successful funding campaign to build the Creation Museum in Kentucky. As a reaction, a lot of scientists and atheists started making their own channels to challenge them. For years this was a big part of Youtube, and whatever remnants have been left from that era still pop up here and there.

    Thunderf00t is one of those atheist channels that appeared back then. Check his earliest videos and you’ll know what I mean.