• amemorablename
    5 days ago

    What is striking to me is how the implication is continuously: “if you vote wrong, you will lose democracy”, but nobody asks within that who exactly is protecting this “democracy” in the first place and how they factor into this “loss of” democracy or not? Surely these people don’t think the only thing between them and chaos is individual respect for ballot results? Especially when there are people who were ready to (and I think some still do) reject the ballot results for Trump’s end of things, just cause they didn’t want him to lose. What actual democracy would even let a candidate like that still be running for office? Guy even got convicted over a thing in court and had special rules made for him so he could still run without obstacles? Is that part “democracy”? Under what magic rules of social cohesion do they think this stuff is operating? The road has been paved for him to have a real chance at winning again and a readiness to invent new rules for what should happen if he doesn’t, and people are crowing about voting being all-important. Did voting stop the Jan 6 event in its tracks? Were those people voted out? No. They were forced out. And the power forces of the US are saying the law doesn’t apply to this “democracy-breaker” (as some see him) in the same way as other people, right? So if they are in cahoots on that, what is voting going to do, to stop his elevation? It’s already documented that popular voter opinion is often ignored completely by legislators.

  • miz
    6 days ago

    weird how all these inconsistencies disappear once one stops pretending it’s a democracy