Earlier today, I saw the first ZYBERTRUKKK I’ve ever seen in my area with my own eyes. After escaping Silicon Valley, I wondered how long it’d take to see one of those fucking things, and now I finally have.
And then I saw a second one, only a few minutes later.
They really are fucking ridiculous, even in their size. Any possible benefit to being an electric vehicle is crushed under the weight of that comically clownish insecurity gesture; they’re actually bigger than I had expected to the point that large pickups on the same road could arguably fit inside them if they were hollowed out.
Fuck these bazingas. They deserve all this ridicule and much, much more.
Schadenfreude intensifies
I point and laugh at every cybertruck I see
me when I see a cyber truck
That shouldn’t bother them, but the evidence points to them spending six figure amounts for status reasons, so mocking them makes them feel bad about their dubious investment.