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- technology@lemmy.world
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- technology@lemmy.world
Blog post by crypto professor Matthew Green, discussing what Telegram does (I wasn’t familiar with it) and criticizing its cryptography. He says Telegram by default is not end-to-end encrypted. It does have an end-to-end “secret chat” feature, but it’s a nuisance to activate and only works for two-person chats (not groups) where both people are online when the chat starts.
It still isn’t clear to me why Telegram’s founder was arrested. Green expresses some concern over that but doesn’t give any details that weren’t in the headlines.
Is Betteridge’s law always correct?
This is pretty good, a discussion of possible motivation of the founder’s arrest, and comparison with an earlier scuffle involving the RIM Blackberry.
same subject 3 hours ago ☞ https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/26612132
Hmm, so this is kind of a dup thread. I wonder if there is a way to lock and forward it, or at least mark it as a cross post. Thanks.
Only under very specific circumstances.
They can shut off that server whenever they want and then it won’t matter how encrypted your unsent message is.
Telegram is service as a software substitute.
Not quite
SaaSub is when you have a server do your computing for you. This is just delivering messages. You technically could make a Telegram server if you were motivated enough. The server is just a relay for the most part.
That doesn’t make it good by any stretch.
There is a reason the Russian government allow the use of it and even let their military use it - and it is not due to security! They have a backdoor into the chats and UAE it actively for listening in on things and spreading propaganda and disinformation.
Then why do the Ukrainians also use it?
Nør for military communication. Just for public info
Although Telegram is probably better than Instagram, WhatsApp or whatever other spyware.
Functionality-wise it definitely is, but secure wise no. There’s probably same kind of tracking for profit going on in the background like with WhatsApp and signal. SimpleX is a better alternative privacy and security wise, but it’s still in heavy development