An old-ass card for this morning. For meh affects against a table likely playing multi-color in the age of today. But back then? When most cards printed barely had only a few multi-colors per set? You’d bet this would cause a few scoops in that musty, mid-90s basement. Nowadays, it still has it’s uses. Surprisingly, this card still has more viability in the modern age than most other Ice Age prints. At the time when it came out, it was a bit difficult as the set actually failed to deal with the powerful land-destruction and aggro decks that were set up with the sets previous from before. A lot of the younger people had the first experience of being “priced out” by guys with crazy cards like Moxes and Lotuses.

Chronicles was released a month later and the collectors started weeping at the massive price-drop in what was a lot of rare and uncommon cards due to reprints. Growing pains, but nonetheless an interesting time. The art was definitely a lot better from Ice Age to Chronicles too.

Any cards that are super expensive that have yet to be reprinted that you really want?

No flavor text, so I’ll leave you with Deflection from the same set.

“Up and Down Over and through Back around The jokes on you.”

Artist/Illustrator - Mark Tedin