Image is a snapshot taken from the recent Hezbollah video “Our Mountains, Our Treasures”, showcasing their extensive underground fortifications, supply lines, and weaponry.

iran can’t keep doing this to me, they’ve gotta respond soon, right? I’m gonna run out of analysis about countries soon, oh god

The COTW (Child of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific child every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied children. If you’ve wanted to talk about the child or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don’t worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any child.

The Child of the Week is Hassan LargePenis! He is chad-and-cuck rater and general commenter’s son, born over a month ago. recommended I have him as the COTW for a week and I finally got around to it.

Please check out the HexAtlas!

The bulletins site is here!
The RSS feed is here.
Last week’s thread is here.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

If you have evidence of Israeli crimes and atrocities that you wish to preserve, there is a thread here in which to do so.

Sources on the fighting in Palestine against Israel. In general, CW for footage of battles, explosions, dead people, and so on:

UNRWA daily-ish reports on Israel’s destruction and siege of Gaza and the West Bank.

English-language Palestinian Marxist-Leninist twitter account. Alt here.
English-language twitter account that collates news (and has automated posting when the person running it goes to sleep).
Arab-language twitter account with videos and images of fighting.
English-language (with some Arab retweets) Twitter account based in Lebanon. - Telegram is @IbnRiad.
English-language Palestinian Twitter account which reports on news from the Resistance Axis. - Telegram is @EyesOnSouth.
English-language Twitter account in the same group as the previous two. - Telegram here.

English-language PalestineResist telegram channel.
More telegram channels here for those interested.

Various sources that are covering the Ukraine conflict are also covering the one in Palestine, like Rybar.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict


Defense Politics Asia’s youtube channel and their map. Their youtube channel has substantially diminished in quality but the map is still useful. Moon of Alabama, which tends to have interesting analysis. Avoid the comment section.
Understanding War and the Saker: reactionary sources that have occasional insights on the war.
Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don’t want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it’s just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.
On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent and very good journalist reporting in the warzone on the separatists’ side.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Pro-Russian Telegram Channels:

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage. ~ DPR’s former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR’s forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist, but all socially reactionary. If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster’s telegram channel. ~ A big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia. Produces interesting and useful maps. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a ‘propaganda tax’, if you don’t believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.

Pro-Ukraine Telegram Channels:

Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

  • mkultrawide [any]
    29 days ago

    Protesting is most effective as something more akin to a military parade of labor. It’s what you do when you have done all of the other organizing and power building to be an actual threat and you want to show everyone else that you are to be taken seriously. They should be used to threaten an action, not be the action in and of itself.

    EDIT: Roderic Day actually had a good tweet thread today based off the follow thread I will condense below:


    The protest as we know it is a kind of zombie tactic. The Red Scare and Cold War destruction of the Left created a knowledge gap, and activists who emerged afterward could only recreate the appearance of organizing without the content. We’ve been marching and losing ever since.

    In many other countries they still use the word “demonstration,” not “protest” because a march or rally is supposed to demonstrate that the people are organized and willing to take action (typically strike, but also riot or take up arms) to get what they want.

    The implied threat is the whole point, it’s what gives the protest power. Politicians or bosses who think the threat is real may give in to demands to avoid greater disruption. But if they know there’s no threat they can and do simply ignore it and let the cops clear the streets.

    Some might suggest that a protest is demonstrating anger and the threat is to lose voters, but Democrats know that’s an empty threat after so many cycles of “vote blue no matter who.”

    If the point is to create so much disruption that it’s more costly to ignore or fight you than it is to meet your demands-which can actually be effective!-then protests at expected places and times, against expected targets, and that quickly fall to police aren’t strategic.

    If you want to see tactics that work look to the labor movement. The labor movement has been the strongest continuously organized force of working people in the US, which means it has been able to preserve much of the knowledge that the Left otherwise lost.

    Whether labor organizing is your priority or not, check out union organizing trainings that are being offered by many unions. There are concrete skills that can deliver measurable results. We don’t have to be sloppy and base our plans on hopes and prayers.

    Labor movement skills like structure tests, power analysis, escalation plans, and even just how to talk to someone you don’t know about organizing are all skills that are regularly taught in union trainings. Don’t let the protest treadmill grind you down, organize!

    • destroyamerica
      29 days ago

      yeah there was a twitter thread where someone made the point that a lot of time in other countries it’s not a “protest” but a “demonstration”, as in they’re demonstrating their will and resolve to strike or even take up arms

      • mkultrawide [any]
        29 days ago

        I actually just added that into my comment lol. I have talked here before about how protests should be like military parades, but I thought the point the account added about how it should be threatening action instead of being the action was very poignant.

        Something I have been thinking about today is organizing UAW members in Michigan to put pressure Shawn Fain for endorsing Kamala and speaking at the DNC without saying a single fucking word about Palestine.

    • destroyamerica
      29 days ago

      ah yeah the roderic day thread is how I got alerted to all the infighting, I went looking around the other communist accounts I follow when I saw that and that’s when I found out everyone was fighting each other about these protests lol. I try not to mention roderic day after the couple of huge hate threads here on hexbear lol (also some freak accused me of being a roderic day sockpuppet which was annoying)

      • miz [any, any]
        29 days ago

        I post his work a bunch because I think it’s good and I don’t seem to get any crap for it… don’t let a couple stray shots get you too jumpy

            • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
              29 days ago

              My assumption: He’s super irreverent when he disagrees. He states his position as fact and challenges others to present critiques to his works at that level. It’s arrogant to do when your work is worthless, and people have little idea of what to do when someone’s work is valuable AND they take the position associated with that arrogance. It seems to me that he is just taking himself and his positions with the sincerity and seriousness needed if we ever want to apply this to truly make a worthwhile communist party and movement. We’re just so used to everyone accepting differences of opinion without trying to work towards better positions through critique. He places his work in front of people who have a different position with a claim like “I think your position is wrong and wrote about it here,” and tries to get people to engage by reading the article and then responding. People hate to be told to read an article instead of a short tweet

              What was literally said in DMs: He decides his position and finds a way to rationalize it afterwards instead of the other way. Also he starts beef with leftists unnecessarily.

              As a response to that I asked for an example because I hadn’t noticed this trend of rationalization. I was called a fanboy and puppet and debatebro for it. To be fair, I also started out saying that their critique seemed to fail on its own merits because they also baselessly (with no example or reference to his work) argued that he lacked any basis for his positions and that I won’t take their critique seriously without seeing a reference to a case. That wasn’t the nicest way to start the convo. Still think I was right though, based on the avoidance that came afterwards. That person just never read a single article on redsails.

        • destroyamerica
          29 days ago

          i mean i just posted the masses rebels and elites essay at someone the other day, it’s more so if I have to mention his name like saying im linking to a twitter thread by him or something. but yeah i should just block anyone who’s annoying about him ur right

      • mkultrawide [any]
        29 days ago

        I think technically I saw it because Q. Anthony Ali retweeted it, but I’ve more or less held these views about protest for a while. I do support the protests at the DNC and the fact that they didn’t let a Palestinian American speak is proof enough that there’s no point in polite protest. I don’t think we should be yelling at anyone there for anything that happens at the protest, but I think the left as a whole needs to take a step back and see that this isn’t working the way it should, and it because we aren’t doing it the way we should.

        • destroyamerica
          29 days ago

          i mean i do think these people who are yelling at the dnc protestors are trying to do that. I’m sympathetic that maybe being so aggressive to them is harmful to actually convincing anyone but I’ll say I really have come to agree with Day more and more that we need to stop giving people passes for being “beautiful souls” who have their hearts in the right place but ultimately damage the movement with their actions

          • mkultrawide [any]
            29 days ago

            Instead of worrying about who to give passes to, we should take a bias towards action and start working on organizing. I agree that these protests aren’t nearly as effective as they could be. Hopping on to Twitter to spend all day calling them stupid is just a derivative of the same action being critiqued, though.

            • destroyamerica
              29 days ago

              i disagree. I still think our theoretical understanding among the american “left” is still extremely poor and we need to rectify that before we put the bias towards action. the bias towards action has been what we’ve been trying since at least the iraq war protests, no?

                • destroyamerica
                  29 days ago

                  i think the disconnect here is that I think “posting” is “doing” in the modern age. I mean, lenin was fucking exiled just writing to a newspaper (which would have been their equivalent of “posting” in early 20th century) for how long before the revolution? Not to say any of us are the modern day lenin, but I’m not sure what kind of criticism you can lay against “posting” that you couldn’t have laid against lenin back then.

                  • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
                    29 days ago

                    Jesus,posting isn’t praxis

                    Just because people can get radicalized through the internet,that doesn’t mean posting by itself is some revolutionary act

                    At most,it’s another medium through which to spread the ideology,but is no where near anything actually impactful in the real world if it’s not accompanied by boots on the ground stuff

                • destroyamerica
                  28 days ago

                  I think mao said they fell down from a coconut tree or something