A lot of older-school fans don’t like the new cards that come out for games, shows, etc. As of recent, there’s been a few sets for this. Doctor Who, Fallout, Assassin’s Creed, etc. I love them. Some of them, I don’t like as they’re missing a few characters or some nonsensical color-schemes for them; a Glowing One being green mana for example. Others because the Secret Lair/official alternate-art like for this one looks like shit when you’re paying a load of money for them.

There’s complaints to be had…but not about this one. Nuka-Cola Machine is a fantastic and cheap artifact that spits out food tokens and generates you treasure tokens. It doesn’t even matter what color of mana or deck-type that you’re playing. Gain 3 life and a mana token every turn for three mana? Not to mention, there is PLENTY of cards out there that double tokens every time they’re created or a card like Academy Manufacturer that doubles your food tokens and gives you a Clue (Pay 1, draw a card) AND a treasure token.

A simple card for simple power. No flavor text for this one. I’ll leave you the text for the Fallout reskin of All That Glitters:

“Sooner or later, the House always wins.”

Artist - Anthony Devine

  • l0tusc0bra
    1 month ago

    I’m glad that you also are fine with IP cards because I feel like the fans dooming about them don’t understand that this was always going to happen to mtg as a capitalist IP. Anyways, I NEED this one as a Korvold main but it’s expensive. I love making and spending tokens.

    • -6-6-6-OPM
      1 month ago

      I’ve always read the cards more so than obsess over the lore of it. Sometimes a little lore is cool; but there’s so much of it and for each and every set and honestly I prefer more just knowing about the worlds/sets themselves. I’m not a massive Doctor Who fan or anything but you best believe I put Missy in some of my decks.

      Also I saw it coming right when I started playing over a decade ago lol, I agree. I’m actually kind of surprised it took THIS long for them to start doing it.

      My biggest complain is the secret lairs. The ones that came out recently are absolutely bottom of the barrel low-effort bullshit. They’re cool; but for the price? A picture of some person’s tattoo?

      • l0tusc0bra
        1 month ago

        I started around 2016 and the lame Walking Dead ones came not long after so I knew that this was going to be a trend (esp since Hasbro bought it).

        That recent Secret Lair was so terrible, it’s bullshit that they charge just as much for the bad ones. I got the Creepshow and Jurassic Park ones which were decent bc of the art and also because they had staple dino and zombie cards I can use. They hold value if nothing else. I’m also just a massive JP stan. They did T-Rex as an alt for Etali so I need an excuse to brew a deck for it.