This topic comes up somewhat regularly here. If you have kids, what can you do to at least give them the best shot at understanding and embracing your communist / Marxist / dialectical materialist views? We usually come up with a couple big picture ideas, but over the last few weeks I’ve been jotting down very specific, concrete actions you can take. This list is not meant to exhaustive - I’m hoping you all have great ideas to share, too. But this is what I’ve come up with so far:

(And to clarify something, I’m 100% convinced to do need to be somewhat intentional and didactic about your values and views if you want your kids to share them. To think “I’m just going to let them find their own way, I don’t want to influence them” is 1,000% lib shit. I’m not even sure most liberals think that way.)

Be a good parent: This one seems obvious, but it’s so important it bears repeating and should be at the top of the list. You should be a good, involved parent for a number of reasons anyway. But, if you want your kids to share your views, being a good parent is the #1 way to encourage that. Or at least, being a shitty parent is a surefire way to make sure your kids rebel against everything you care about

Get organized: Get involved in an org, even if it’s something like DSA. It can be an actual org like PSL or even just helping feed homeless folks in your town. Your kids can see how you have a great grasp of reality thanks to materialism, which might make them inclined to think you know what you’re talking about. But if they know you see the problems in the world, but aren’t doing anything to change that world… I can see how some kids might see that as kinda hyprocritical.

Learn history, especially from a materialist perspective: This is easy for me because I love history, even long before I was a Marxist. But if you don’t enjoy history, I think you should at least push yourself and try to understand at least the materialist history behind what your kids will learn in school (so for American kids, making sure you understanding things like how the constitution was formed, how African-Americans have been held down throughout history, etc.). Especially if you are American, this is easy because most Americans are dumb as shit when it comes to history, and K-12 history teachers aren’t much better. If your kids see that you know what you’re talking about, they will largely trust your analysis. So when your kid hears in class that “the US fought the Korean War because the Soviets wanted to take over”, they will know to come to you and ask if that’s true - because they know you likely have a much more thorough and accurate answer.

For little kids, read history books to them: Right now my kid loves Nelson Mandela, because we have a couple books about him. I happen to believe that fostering a love of history can definitely help point kids in the right direction (even if by itself it probably won’t turn them commie). Just make sure it’s “good” history and not just that crap that glazes the founding fathers.

For older kids, engage with them on what they’re learning in school: Good idea for all subjects, but especially for the social sciences. Ask questions. Be genuinely interested. While like said above, you need to be didactic but older kids especially aren’t going to want to hear you rant about how Stalin saved the world from fascism for 15 minutes every time he comes up. Know when to just ask and listen with them.

Stay on top of current affairs: Keep up with the News Mega! All the stuff I said above about history applies to news & current events.

Play some commie podcasts when you’re in the car with them: I feel like I might get push back on this, so let me explain. When I was a kid, my parents had news radio on whenever we were in the car. And even if I didn’t understand what was always being talked about, I know for a fact I absorbed a ton of information passively that way. I believe that is a big reason I’m as interested in what’s going on in the wider world today. I know we’re generally down on leftist podcast but the reality is there’s a ton of good content out there.

Try to have answers ready for when kids ask about what you believe: I think especially for younger kids, it’s good to have simple answers ready that they can understand. And don’t worry about being precisely correct in your response. When your kid asks “are we republicans or democrats?” or “do you vote for republicans or democrats, keeping in mind they may have a hard time understanding a complicated response. Say something like “I vote for whoever helps poor people or immigrants or people who work for a living”. That’s much better than trying to explain the drawbacks of electoralism to a 7 year old. Obviously you can be more detailed and precise with older kids.

Try and have leftist adult friends who also have kids: Believe me, I get how hard this. It’s nearly impossible to find any broadly leftist parents in my area, much less those who have time for socializing. So this is more of an ideal to try and reach, not a concrete action. But I think having some friends around who share your views - and have kids who can befriend your kids - is very effective. Just hard to pull off.

Push back hard against any transphobia or homophobia: Whether you see it IRL or in media, don’t hesitate to be clear with your kids what being LGBTQ is about and that anyone who against LGBTQ rights sucks. I say this because I was raised in an environment very hostile to LGBTQ people. Just the other day, my kid wanted her two Barbie dolls to get married. For a fraction of second, there was that old voice in the back of my head saying “they’re too young to understand”. But of course they’re not, and I explained how of course two Barbies can get married. Kids DO need to understand the validity of LGBTQ identities at a very young age.

If you’re white, teaching anti-racism is important: Because if you’re white, it’s incredibly easy to fall into the trap of “well I’m not racist and no other white people I know are racist, so racism must be over”. It’s easy because white society pushes this notion so hard. You absolute have to teach kids about systematic racism and how they actually do need to stand up to racist pricks, because they will encounter them.

That’s the list I have so far, would love to hear your additions.

  • HexBeara [none/use name]
    1 month ago

    NGL didn’t read the post fully yet, and it’s kinda a bit, but…

    Play lots of monopoly. Sometime in between the match during a toke break make an alliance with someone who understands your politics and that can trust in you. Proceed with match as normal but now you’re going to make deals advantageous to the both parties, and figuratively (funnier if literally) corner the housing markets. Don’t charge rent when you land on each other’s properties. Accept players who are floundering, into the alliance, helping them avoid bankruptcy. If the rest of the table hasn’t caught on already they ‘lose’ (unless they accept surrender and join the collective). If the rest of the table forms a counter alliance, if you don’t have terrible luck (like our inductee) you should still be able to pull out a win if the combined ‘capital’ or ‘money leeching vessels’ is great enough. Might lose a bit of pizzazz and you shouldn’t always play an almost non-game, but it could help instill a sense of responsibility to others wellbeing and instilling that games (and life) aren’t always zero sum. That’s what I did with friends ‘during covid’ (as if it’s not still happening) and it had felt like a great way to sell people on socialism at the time ( in a very simple manner though).

    More seriously, give them a drive to learn. Have them do plenty( re-education through labor, ie work, but not in an abusive sense, more like if you’re gardening have them help how they can if they’re young, if they’re older let them earn a living and get radicalized that way [ which imo, is abuse given that it’s thinly veiled slavery but can wash its hands off such accusations with a pittance]) and have them recognize what privileges they do have. Avoid fomenting resentment that’ll tie your ideology with you and their contempt( this’ll be hard because everyone, even here has disagreements, or has the capacity to be brash and shit ass in the moment[✨me✨], or has their own way of going about situations or desires that run counter to the collective[ The FamilyAyyyyyOC] Reward them for critical thinking as long as it doesn’t run counter to them being honest with trusted adults (pigs don’t count). Give them access to freedoms in turn for upheld responsibilities, such as transportation, communication, extended curfew, whatever. Teaching them outside them classroom.

    Otherwise idk I don’t got kids.

    Deeply unserious and distasteful. But if they agree. If they’ve been acting like a shitheaded chud, ‘punish’ them by taking away their privileges, but offer to restore them if they humor you with either going to a homeless shelter and volunteering, (my unserious take incoming, that’ll probably cause resentment) or if they’ve been especially egregious have them go through that system for however long it takes them to secure housing, a job, transportation etc. Basically have them learn how hard it is to stand alone. Probably won’t happen unless they’re 18. But yeah. Being poor and later homeless at 18 is extremely radicalizing, I would say I was still a silly liberal that at times could try to be too edgy, and in a sense nothing has changed up to this point besides a much greater understanding than I had had and that I’ve become more attentive to language used (when not being shit ass) and considerate (same verse as the first, I need a LOT of therapy to properly express myself without being ready to sling shit).

    But to put it extremely concisely and simply have them learn responsibilities, try your best, and help them become as worldly as possible, while providing them the means to succeed before they’re ready to leave the nest.