I do feel stupid for feeling this. India is currently on fire and also flooding iirc, by contrast here in kkkanada it’s not much hotter than recent years. I am lucky enough that we have a portable AC to run in the bedroom.

It’s not the literal heat, our room is an ok temp honestly. But the heat seems to be breaking down my joints and bones, I feel like a decrepit corpse weighted with lead rn. This is the first time I’m feeling this too, didn’t happen last year so my body is maybe decaying again.

I think it’s heat exhaustion, I am making sure to drink and stuff but I just feel sluggish and sore, I am scarfing ibuprofen to little avail. Weh!

  • Oh man, my partner and I moved out of Florida a couple days ago and she got heat stroke from waiting in a car with only partially working AC for just a few minutes. She stopped sweating, she could barely even think enough to get out of the car, and eventually just started crying and screaming. It was scary as fuck and she’s still shaky a couple days later.