Mad scientists or brave geniuses? Mostly just annoying to those they target and we’ve all been guilty of it if you run the chaotic energies of red and blue mana together. One of my favorites in Commander, despite the fact that they aren’t that great against other blue mana or red mana decks. Ironic, isn’t it?

While red exemplifies fast and furious and blue is deep and calculated; Izzet breaks the mold and demands fast planning and a lot of luck. Creatures aren’t as important as their abilities to interact with Instants and Sorceries like this card. Copying them, returning them from the graveyard, discarding them for combos; you’ll be pushing the limits of the letters on the paper drawing cards, dealing damage and copying them in a loop if you pull it right. Artifacts like Spellbook or Lands like Reliquary Tower that eliminate a limit on what you can have in your hand can make this combo dangerous.

If you draw well, opponents will have a hard time fielding the battlefield with constant counters and damage spells to them and their creatures. Otherwise…well, your spark goes kaput.

“He ensures not only whether but also when and where the lightning strikes twice.”

Artist- Steven Belleden