Why do we use sound hmmm all over the world when thinking about something? Was there just first proto language that had all these onomatopoeias built in or were they invented independently because they excite neurons in same way, mood regardless of culture?
Why do we use sound hmmm all over the world when thinking about something? Was there just first proto language that had all these onomatopoeias built in or were they invented independently because they excite neurons in same way, mood regardless of culture?
Maybe its for a similar reason to why cats purr; vibration make brain feel different in a way that facilitates thought?
source im fuckin g insame
G insame in the membrane
that’s the sound of our brains venting the thinking gas
Sign language is even more universal (early hominids def would’ve had signs before proper spoken language).
If I hold out my arm, my palm towards you, you’d probably know what I mean.
Like this.
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