4 is sheer madness. 1 is common sense. 2 is just the cooler version of 1.
I’ve always found hardcoded style to be an obnoxious and counterproductive paradigm. It’s the text editor’s job to handle line wrapping, and there’s no reason a coding editor shouldn’t be able to format code intelligently. I hate hard line breaks that do not have meaning. Not everybody is using the same size windows! It’s 2024! We have the technology!
4 is sheer madness. 1 is common sense. 2 is just the cooler version of 1.
I’ve always found hardcoded style to be an obnoxious and counterproductive paradigm. It’s the text editor’s job to handle line wrapping, and there’s no reason a coding editor shouldn’t be able to format code intelligently. I hate hard line breaks that do not have meaning. Not everybody is using the same size windows! It’s 2024! We have the technology!