Show me some prime jazz, music nerds

EDIT: WOW I did not expect that many replies, thank you all for the fantastic examples.

  • peppersky [he/him, any]
    2 months ago

    One of the big things you’ll notice is they emphasize every other beat starting on beat 2. Rock music tends to do this as well, but they start the emphasis on beat one.

    In 4/4 time…Rock = emphasis on 1 and 3. Jazz = emphasis on 2 and 4 (the off-beats). This gives jazz a different feeling, like it’s played less “straight.”

    Sorry but that’s just not true. Rock certainly also has the emphasis on 2 and 4, because both it and jazz has its roots in the same early African American music. Emphasis on 1 and 3 is nowadays really only found in some European folk music