Until recently I stored my media library in folders. A tedious way to manage a collection.

I set up Jellyfin on my main machine as a test. I enjoy the experience and want to migrate to a NAS, for better reachability in my network. I am a beginner when it comes to networks.

I currently use a single 20TB HDD (current usage 80%) and another 4TB HDD is around somewhere. I was wondering what my options and recommended solutions are. Should I get 1, 2, or more 20TB drives? I want some redundancy, but don’t want to invest into too many drives.

Looking forward to any tips or resources to read up on. Thanks.

  • slazer2au@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    At least get one more and set up a raid1 so each drive contains a copy of the data.

    The downside is this limits your expandability as converting between raid levels is not easy and you don’t get any additional space.

    If you get 2 more drives you could go for a zfs1 or raid5 to get the extra space and a drive in case of a failure.