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The original was posted on /r/fedora by /u/_HT03 on 2024-07-03 14:17:41+00:00.

After distro hopping a lot I decided to go with Fedora KDE and it quickly became my favourite distro.

First of all why did I chose the KDE spin instead of “flagship” gnome, well because KDE has a traditional desktop and not a weird mobile interface, also unlike KDE 5 (which was kind of messy) KDE 6 feels much more cleaner and we’ll organized also it supports latest technologies in Linux faster than Gnome which Fedora is all about, plus I hate how gnome keeps removing essential features most people use, and the way they are making it harder for users and developers alike to customize the desktop.

Enough talking about the DE, let’s talk about the distro itself, what I like the most fedora is the it is a perfect middle ground between a bleeding edge ditsros like Arch and Manjaro and stable distros like Debian and Ubuntu, so I use the latest packages without sacrificing the stability of the distro.

Also I had the most seamless upgrade in fedora, I had no problems upgrading from version to version unlike with Ubuntu which follows similar release schedule but had some problems when upgrading.

For packages availablity, I enabled the Flathub repo because on Fedora for some reason only Fedora flatpak repo in enabled, I also enabled both free and non-free RPM fusion repos for some software not in the main repos and installed Snapd for snap packages (so I can get some packages that are only available or work better as a snap), and now I have all the packages I will ever need and I can install, update and remove most of these packages through KDE Discover store.

I had one of the best Linux experiences with Fedora KDE and I plan to use for a long time, please tell me your experience with Fedora in the comments because I like to hear how others feels about the Distro and their experience with it.