Literally barely any games that can’t be played on ps4 or Xbox one.

This ps5 almost feels like a waste of 500 bucks

  • on the 360 playing battlefield bad company i assumed terrain destruction and stuff would be the norm in the future and maps would be a lot bigger with more people, i was too stupid to realize that the most important part of gaming is that the graphics get un-noticeably, incrementally better over time without any fundamental changes to gameplay or possible art styles, everything must be bland and ‘photorealistic’ or else it must be Fortnite. I used to assume a good game would get a sequel in a year or two and have significance game improvements, now i wait a decade or more to get the exact same game but with higher resolution and frame rate and new microtransactions

      6 days ago

      One of the reasons that died is that last gen went from the tech designed to be the most powerful thing available (on PS360) to CPUs that were bad even for 2013 mid-range laptops. Current gen is better but not that much better. Even on high end PCs GPU advancements are quickly outpacing CPUs.

      Another reason is that open world has replaced linear as the norm, it’s hard to do this shit when it has to be completely dynamic.