She doesn’t drink, so I’m kind of at sea with what to suggest for a first date. We end up meeting at this gelato shop downtown. We hang out for a bit and chat. I ask if she wants to walk over to this book store. We walk over. We walk to the philosophy section (i’m looking for Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation, have not been able to find it anywhere). She picks a random book in the philosophy section. Turns out its a book that has no business being there, a Brothers Grimm book. She opens it.
In the back of the book is $700 in cash.
We look around thinking, surely, we’re on camera and this is some kind of prank.
We took it. She buys the book for $6. Then we went to a concert together.
I still cannot fucking believe this just happened.
Convince them that the money is cursed unless you use it to do praxis together. Getting free stuff without strings attached usually takes a turn for the worse in Grimm stories.
op and his date are gonna get their stomachs filled with stones and thrown in the river if they dont spend that money wisely