• d-RLY?
    81 year ago

    In before the private western mega outlets start calling it a “brutal crackdown by the authoritarian socialist government”. The same kind of stuff that seems to unify the most lib of libs and the conservatives in the US. I doubt that I will live to see an anti-capitalist USA (though I will still try to do my small part). But if the whole of Latin America (or other regions and nations of the “third world”) can keep going, we may in fact see enough change to take away control of global affairs from the US and other western powers! I just hope that they all manage to keep out the folks that are solely about power, ego, and greed. As it is those folks that the capitalist powers will support, and they are the ones that can be used to discredit all kinds of leftist parties/nations/orgs.

    • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
      51 year ago

      Joe Biden explicitly condemned the attack by Bolsonaro’s supporters as an “assault on democracy” and has congratulated Lula on his victory. Democrats in general are making comparisons to January 6th, 2020.

      The US’s right doesn’t seem to have any consensus view on Bolsonaro and Lula. They’re also a bit busy getting their collective head extracted from their collective ass with regards to the House of Representatives.