(Rosario, Argentina, 1928 - Higueras, Bolivia, 1967) Latin-American Revolutionary. Along with Fidel Castro, whose movement he joined in 1956, he was one of the main architects of the triumph of the Cuban revolution (1959). He later held positions of great relevance in the new regime, but, dissatisfied with the inoperation of the offices and faithful to his purpose of extending the revolution to other Latin American countries, in 1966 he resumed his guerrilla activity in Bolivia, where he would be captured and executed a year later.

Given his life thus in the fight against imperialism and dictatorship, Che Guevara became the greatest revolutionary myth of the 20th century. He was immediately an icon of the youth of May 68, and his figure has remained as a timeless symbol of ideals of freedom and justice that, like the heroes of yesteryear, he judged more valuable than life itself.

Ernesto Che Guevara was born into a wealthy family in Argentina, where he studied medicine. His leftist militancy led him to participate in the opposition against Juan Domingo Perón; Since 1953 he traveled through Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Guatemala, discovering the prevailing misery among the masses of Latin America and the omnipresence of North American imperialism in the region, and participating in multiple opposition movements, experiences that definitely inclined him towards Marxism.

In 1955 Ernesto Che Guevara met Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl Castro in Mexico, who were preparing a revolutionary expedition to Cuba. Guevara befriended the Castros, joined the group as a doctor, and landed with them in Cuba in 1956. Once the guerrillas settled in the Sierra Maestra, Guevara became Fidel’s lieutenant and commanded one of the two columns that came out of the eastern mountains toward the west to liberate the island. He participated in the decisive battle for the capture of Santa Clara (1958) and finally entered Havana in 1959, ending the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.

The new revolutionary Cuba granted Guevara Cuban nationality and appointed him head of the Militia and director of the Agrarian Reform Institute (1959), then president of the National Bank and Minister of Economy (1960), and, finally, Minister of Industry (1961). ). In those years, Guevara represented Cuba in various international forums, in which he frontally denounced US imperialism. On a trip around the world he met Nasser, Nehru, Sukarno and Tito (1959); On another trip he met various Soviet leaders and the Chinese Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong.:based-department:

In the task of building a new society in Cuba, and especially in the field of economics, Che Guevara was one of Fidel Castro’s most tireless collaborators. In the economic controversy that took place at the beginning of the new cuba, he opted for an original, creative and not bureaucratic or institutionalized interpretation of Marxist principles. Looking for a path to the real independence of Cuba, he strove for the industrialization of the country, linking it to the aid of the Soviet Union, once the attempt to invade the island by the United States had failed and the socialist character of the Cuban revolution had been clarified ( 1961).

Now relieved of his positions in the Cuban state, Che Guevara returned to Latin America in 1966 to launch a revolution that he hoped would be continental in scope: Bolivia thanks to its position in the middle of the continent and its strong natural defences would make ot the ideal starting socialist state.

However, his action did not catch on with the Bolivian masses. From the beginning, his group, baptized as the National Liberation Army and made up of Cuban veterans from the Sierra Maestra and some Bolivian communists, found themselves lacking in support from the peasants, completely alien to the movement. Without any popular support in the rural world, and without support in the big cities for the rejection of communist political organizations, the chances of success drastically diminished.

Isolated in a jungle region where he suffered the exacerbation of his asthmatic disease, Ernesto Guevara was betrayed by local peasants and fell into an ambush by the Bolivian army in the Valle Grande region, where he was wounded and arrested on October 8, 1967. Given Since Che had already become a symbol for young people around the world, the Bolivian military, advised by the CIA, wanted to destroy the revolutionary myth, assassinating him and then exposing his corpse, photographing himself with him, and bury him in secret. In 1997 the remains of Che Guevara were located, exhumed and transferred to Cuba, where they were buried with all honors by the Castro’s Cuba

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  • someone [comrade/them, they/them]@hexbear.net
    17 days ago

    Okay you motherfuckers, I know I’m living in a simulation now. I can’t be convinced otherwise.

    Last night I was thinking about nothing in particular while brushing my teeth, then the thought popped into my head: “What if I ever matched on a dating app with someone with the same first name as me? Wouldn’t that be awkward?”

    I left the bathroom, sat on my couch, checked my phone for notifications, and sure enough, someone with the same first name as me had messaged me. And this was grindr, an app rather well known for users not using real names - if they use names at all.

    I know the universe is fucking with me now. I must be in a simulation.

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]@hexbear.net
      16 days ago

      The universe is fucking with everyone. Its whole deal is “everything must lead to something new.” This leads to what us time limited forms of consciousness perceive as “Absurdity.” The unlimited consciousness of the universe sees it simply as “something I haven’t done before.” “Precognitive meta analysis” is a qualifier that can be put on any slightly interesting event to take it to truly galactic levels of novelty.

      Banal analysis of this situation after the fact is probably a good twist too.