I’ve mentioned a few “vegan” Zionists I’ve encountered in other posts, but it just doesn’t stop. A vegan account I follow on Instagram made a pride post yesterday, and some queerphobic vegans in the comments stated that they are unfollowing because they disagreed with the “LGBT agenda” being supported by the account or some shit like that.

Of course, there were also some people who said they were unfollowing simply because the post was “unrelated” to veganism, but I’m convinced that this just serves as an excuse to make their homophobia look far less homophobic instead of being as genuinely apathetic to the matter as they’re framing themselves to be.

This is all too confusing for me. How do you get conscious to a point of saying “Oppression towards non-human animals is fucked up,” but still keep a disturbing tendency to support oppression of certain humans simply on the basis of who they are?

I’m very much disturbed by how I can encounter some vegans that seem highly principled in supporting animal liberation, but then they turn around and endorse capitalism, racism, imperialism, queerphobia, and many other kinds of reactionary bullshit in the process.

I’m beginning to be done with my efforts to try to understand anyone like this, but do any of you have any idea as to where the hell this type of thinking stems from?

  • onoira [they/them]@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    30 days ago

    aside from the autotherapeutic, vibes-based and reactionary ‘veganism’ mentioned here, i’ve often encountered the misanthropic ‘vegan’.

    they’ve typically experienced chronic complex interpersonal trauma and have arrived at some quasiconsequentialist position that animals — as a category representing the ‘opposite’ of humans, and lacking the same capacity for evil — represents the apex of innocence and morality. they assume anything bad brought upon a human is brought upon themselves, and would see humans collectively punished(/ put into collective suffering) for [insert list of examples of decadence] or as repentance for animal cruelty. it doesn’t matter how humans suffer, or that they all suffer the exact same way. it only matters that everyone everywhere is feeling like shit. even better if the suffering is caused by another human, which they warpedly see as some kind of ‘irony’, so it makes sense they’d promote hateful ideology. at the far end of the spectrum: they dip into ecofascist accelerationism territory.

    the reality is that this is an outlet for their hatred for their own (varied) abusers, and their hopes that a ubiquitous suffering will extend far enough to reach even these abusers and bring everyone down to their level.

    (i speak a tiny bit from my own past experience)