The pivot to video. I yearn for written tech guides or automotive process with well written instructions and detailed pictures. The fact that so much of the info once found in text is now pivoting to some chucklefuck holding his iPhone in one hand while trying to show you how to do a two handed job is extremely aggravating. Don’t even get me started on the need to sift through a 25 minute long tech video because you need to find that one step that you missed.

Video is so fucking low effort and annoying.

  • Absolute
    4 months ago

    like 15+ years ago I used to help contribute to walkthroughs on a video game fan site and at that time the admin really wanted to fully transition to video walkthroughs only, which I thought was exceedingly dumb. If you need to look up how to do something in a game it is so much easier to find it in a text/image walkthrough than have to scrub through a video, especially back then when lots of people’s internet sucked ass still. Not sure if its just my specific type of fucked in the head or what but I have no problem reading a long ass plain text document to get information, where as watching even a sub 10 min video is usually too big of a chore for me. So I definitely agree.