Had no idea it was a popular place lol, I don’t live there but do often have to go there for various reasons and have never once had a good time. Minneapolis is hell and the northern parts of the state could be the set of the next Fallout game without making a single change
Did have some really good barbeque in a town there once though so it can’t be all bad
Minnesota was a pretty big mistake too imo
idk I feel like when I very occasionally hear something from there it isn’t terrible compared to the rest of them.
Minnesota is probably the best Midwestern state, which is horrifying considering it was a flashpoint for the 2020 BLM protests.
They’re like a top-two state in general wtf
Had no idea it was a popular place lol, I don’t live there but do often have to go there for various reasons and have never once had a good time. Minneapolis is hell and the northern parts of the state could be the set of the next Fallout game without making a single change
Did have some really good barbeque in a town there once though so it can’t be all bad
that bar is in the mantle