The white-tipped quetzal (Pharomachrus fulgidus) is a species of bird in the family Trogonidae found in Venezuela, Colombia, and Guyana. Two subspecies have been described. Elegant large trogon with a black tail tipped with white below, and lacking a crest. Has golden-tinged green upperparts and breast and bright red belly; bill is yellow. Female has a gray bill, gray-brown lower breast, and white barred undertail with white tips. The White-tipped Quetzal occurs in the Santa Marta mountains of northern Colombia and in the mountain ranges of northern Venezuela. Ranging form 900 to 2500 meters, it occurs in a wide variety of habitats from sub-tropical to temperate forests, cloud forests, secondary growth and forest edge. They feed on fruits and berries which it plucks while sallying from a perch though it been seen eating a large lizard on at least one occasion. Predators of the White-tipped quetzal have not been recorded, however Trogons have reportedly been preyed upon by predatory mammals and hawks. Perches at medium to high levels in the forest. Song is a loud and melancholic series of “WHOOOou hoo hoou”; call is similar to that of Barred Forest-Falcon. Here is a link so you can listen to this bird too.

      • Oppo
        5 months ago

        Because you have posted 3 diferent Quetzal birds therefor the Quetzal is the fan favorite