In a bid to claw back $2.15 billion, the struggling pharmaceutical giant Bayer CEO is doing away with middle managers and 99% of the company’s 1,362-page corporate handbook, allowing nearly 100,000 employees to self-manage.

the company is going boss-less, or as he calls it, moving to “dynamic shared ownership.”

  • that will teach a german chemical company to acquire an american chemical company. the US is the dumpster market where the countries with even the most mild environmental protections can still sell their banned chemistries, claim they are safe, and direct them to be sprayed all over the faces of infants.

    buying monsanto and its liabilities was an all time boner move.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      5 months ago

      I’ve seen more than one non-American company buy a US company from the inside. My firm opinion is that you should only ever do this if you’re willing to gut the entire upper leadership of the US subsidiary at the first hint of bullshit. Nothing combines ignorance and arrogance like the American managerial class.