DEAR MISS MANNERS: Lately at social events, I often find myself trapped by people who want to share, in excruciating detail, their genetic test results.

Each person finds their own results deeply compelling, marveling at length over being 3% this and 15% that, with stunning reveals like, “I thought I we were Welsh, but it turns out we’re Scottish!”

Meanwhile, the next person is on deck, barely half-listening, eagerly getting ready to launch into their own genetic saga.

Monologuing about the minutiae of one’s DNA is self-absorption at, quite literally, the cellular level. Is there a polite way to shut this down?

GENTLE READER: Oh, dear. Miss Manners would have thought that we had established the idea that bragging about one’s lineage is rude, and now it has started up again.

Well, you could try expanding the scope of the conversation. Try, “What would your ancestors have thought of the state of America today?” Or, “I suppose you must want to travel there now. What are your vacation plans this year?”

Or, “Excuse me, I need to freshen my drink.”

so-true they tested my cum and it came back Probably Nordic, just like Opa always said!!

hitler particles detector took-restraint

  • InternetLefty [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I think it’s a good thing that white people in settler occupied north america try to have some continued connection to the euro cultures of their families, because the other option is becoming culturally affiliated with White Amerikanness, which is an identity that is pretty profoundly based on white supremacy and racism, settlerism, the idea of the “white race” and whiteness in general, etc.

    • taiphlosion
      6 months ago

      Lol yes actually. How else would you eradicate whiteness if by not identifying as white anymore? Of course it’s more than that because whiteness is also attached to capitalism, but accepting that they aren’t Americans and are actually European settlers is a good thing