• corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    Thing is, much of what Linus says is respectful; even though it reads harsh. Phrases like “you keep doing this” and “your code is shit” and “I will bar you from committing code until you can get better” and similar stuff, is respectful to the person, as he is still just focusing on the code : the product. Mostly.

    Sure it comes off as aggressive ultimatums, but when I worked on New Jersey I saw numerous arguments between passionate coders who really cared about their work and spoke on these loud voices with aggressive gesticulations and gestures, and it was frightening. But, when you took apart the arguments, it was all about “the code” this, and “the standard” that, and very little “you suck” and “you’re dumb”. And, when the argument was settled, these passionate people were still friends.

    Of all the people I’ve been yelled at by in my career, the harsh-sounding ones who kept it on the work and not the worker ended up with the most loyalty and trust in the end.

    Give me a dozen Linus who care about their work. Sure he’s slipped up a few times, but on balance he’s been very good. Even before the “let’s all hug” sensitivity training.

    • the_third@feddit.de
      6 months ago

      If you’re rooted enough in your life to just recognize the problem and fix it, yes. But for all the younger, inexperienced people, a sprinkle of compassion and help on top of being strict is a good idea, otherwise some or most of them can’t ever reach that point.