Why yes PolPotEnjoyer please go get us a printing press, CheGuevaraLover your uncle died and left you his 2000 acre compound why yes we generously accept, the weird Jimmy Dore fan holding a gun talking about killing Reagan, how about we just put you to work in the vegetable patch. It might be a Faustian bargain but we could get a cool ten years of feds financing our lifestyles before they go Jonestown on us. Lets commit to a revolutionary non revolutionary leftist org where we do nothing and the infiltrators do the actual hard work of setting up the organization.

  • glans [it/its]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    This is bad posting because it way overstates the resources required to sway people. What they usually offer

    • buy rounds of drinks for everyone, maybe a bit of coke now and again
    • access the a vehicle

    And in cases where the goal is entrapment leading to prosecution, not merely espionage:

    • compliments about how radical you are why don’t you go even further by the way I know how to build a bomb and I can totally get the supplies

    Anyway the strategy can work short term but these people can always leverage their association with legit leftists to move on to a less savy group once they become aware they are discovered or just that they aren’t getting anywhere.

      • glans [it/its]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        have to admit I’ve never totally understood that aspect of the plot but it seems to work now and again. I think they have to do a bunch of emotional manipulation.

        brings to mind this episode of this american life which I haven’t listened to in a very long time but stuck with me. it stars brandon darby who was involved with Common Ground mutual aid org in New Orleans post Katrina, but then got go recruited (volunteered morelike) by the feds to do entrapment basically like I described on some kids. purportedly due to annoyance at vegans. I don’t remember how detailed the show is about this because I also learned about it from elsewhere but having it presented from a person in that position is unusual. braggadocios. it’s wrapped in the kind of lib “neutrality” (fed apologist) like you’d expect.