Oh. It’s absolutely superior on the royalties side. Just incredibly frustrating that what should be an open standard that anyone can tinker with is not.
Accidental DisplayPort guy checking in. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I bought my graphics card. It seems like I dummied my way into some good tech.
DisplayPort gang?
Sadly also not an open standard, in reality but they are friendlier to FOSS.
At least it is royality free compared to HDMI which has a large annual fee + per unit fee for manufacturers
Oh. It’s absolutely superior on the royalties side. Just incredibly frustrating that what should be an open standard that anyone can tinker with is not.
Accidental DisplayPort guy checking in. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I bought my graphics card. It seems like I dummied my way into some good tech.
Does DP support CEC or ARC nowadays?
sadly not, but GPUs (at least those I used) do not support that over HDMI as well, which is kinda frustrating :/
I was thinking about home cinema, but good point