I’ll disable the 2nd one for sure. 3rd one, too… 1st one stays enabled.
I gotta say as an American I really appreciate some of these recent things the EU is doing with privacy. They seem to have a bigger impact here than any actions American politicians come up with, which is depressing, but still deeply appreciated
But still with dark pattens. Is that allowed?
Good question. AFAIK, it isn’t in Germany, but many cimpanies don’t care.
I have filed a complaint with the gdpr representative in bavaria this month. Have you done your duty yet? :)
(I‘m joking of course but how awesome would it be if we (Fedi users) challenged each other to strike back like this every month? Like the ice bucket challenge but for privacy?)
How so? Does “more options” have better options?
All or nothing choices while “more options” is made easy to overlook on purpose.