Alright, so we pump energy into a chaotic system and obviously the extremes will get more exteme. Stronger hurricanse, colder hurricanse and snap freezes, deeper floods, wet bulb events further north than you think possible, whatever. This is the known unknown.

I am existentially afraid of the unknown unknowns. At what point do the phytoplankton I’m currently breathing the poop of have a mass extinction event? All of human civilization is about to drown on dry land and I spend 5 days a week maintaining software that charges people for turning on their lights.

I crave death I crave oblivion death to america death to capitalism death to me.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
    8 months ago

    You see my son, at the beginning when it created the universe, the Demiurge has doomed us all to the mortal coil and thus we suffer in the Hell that is our material reality.

    Our creator is a twisted being that cares not for our suffering.

    The hurricanes, floods, wet bulb events, and plankton extinctions are a tapestry of utter desolation that was brought forth by the Demiurge’s servants on this earth, the ruling class of demonic parasites that also do not care about us, nor our suffering, for they are hollow godforsaken beings that seek only the perpetuation of their own death grip on the steering wheel of this infernal machine called capitalism which the angloid lost control of during the AD > 1700 I guess.

    After untold millions died to imperialist genocide brought forth upon Earth by its rampage, it currently is on track to kill billions more.

    Even the very reality of entropy ensures that the unknown that will come to pass will probably be awful if left to its own devices.

    All you can count on is everyone getting angry enough to kill the demon, destroy the overlord, spit acid bile into the face of the adrenochrome-guzzling child-sacrificing world-starving monsters that have doomed us all to this wretched fate. To cancel the apocalypse.

    If you are truly afraid, then when you know who is responsible, after you mourn our stolen future, let your fear turn to wrath, and may your wrath crystalize into principled action. As His Holiness St. Bhagavan Shree Matt Christman (PBUH) says, nobody can know what “principled action” will be, only time and your personal circumstances will tell, the imperative He gives us against the Demiurge is to join together in whatever capacity we can to help those around us such that the machinery to build a revolutionary answer, or an oasis from the apocalypse, can be constructed.

    May His Large Adultness guide you to the proper path,


    Fr though even if humanity dies something else will evolve and hopefully learn from our mistakes.