It’s based on the 2007 book of the same name by Naomi Klein. In it, she argues that not only is neoliberalism only possible to implement by exploiting periods of crises, but also that the USA and the bourgeoisie already understand that and will manufacture those crises when necessary to destabilise whole countries.

She tells the history of neoliberalism from this perspective, from Pinochet to Yeltsin to the War on Terror.

Milei and Bolsonaro’s incompetence may be legitimate, or it may be an act, but we should never forget that all chaos generated from their apparent stupidity is useful for the ruling classes. This is why they happen. This is why they are sustainable no matter how many blunders, as they will still retain the support of the ruling class.

Don’t ever fall for the trap that “Milei will collapse his own government” like significant chunks of the Brazilian left did with Bolsonaro.

The “critical” part is important: Her reading of the dissolution of the USSR is very shallow, and she even ends the whole documentary in a hopeful tone praising the Obama election. She’s not a Marxist, but the documentary is still worth it, specially if you’re showing it to non-Marxists.