Body Edit2: Jordan not Yemen

Short Summary [Timestamps]

  1. [00:34] President Biden holds Iran responsible for the deaths of three soldiers in [Jordan].
  2. [00:59] Nikki Haley calls for the assassination of Iranian leaders in response to the killings.
  3. [02:15] The State Department spokesperson does not confirm evidence directly linking Iran to the attack but acknowledges Iran funds groups like Kata’ib Hezbollah responsible for attacks on US troops.
  4. [02:27] US military personnel in Iraq are on standby to support troops in case of ground involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict. 5 .[02:53] A contrast is highlighted between Biden’s current stance and his 2020 statement on not taking the nation to war without Congressional approval.
  5. [03:32] Concerns are raised about escalating hostilities with Iran and criticism of Biden for not seeking Congressional approval.
  6. [04:04] The irony of Democrats using Trump’s hawkishness as a reason to vote for Biden, only to see an escalation of global entanglement under Biden’s administration.
  7. [05:36] The impact of the war in Northern Gaza, which is argued to be funded by America, is discussed.
  8. [06:19] Accusations against 12 UNRWA employees participating in the conflict imply America indirectly funded them.
  9. [07:08] The speaker criticizes the logic used to justify strikes and retribution, arguing the US should hold itself to different standards and prioritize national security and adherence to the Constitution.