This is unexpectadly high, and good news for anyone who got the latest vaccine.

I’m on the west coast and the latest covid wave just started hitting my town, so I hope I can continue to avoid it.

My friend in a long term care facility a few towns over got hit a couple weeks ago and three people died. They got the last vaccine several weeks ago, and then got “minor cold symptoms” when covid hit their facility, but never tested positive. Not many residents facility got the last vaccine because of the fucking privatization bullshit.

This country is Satan.

  • Runcible [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    While I don’t want to downplay your experience, I honestly can’t imagine a doctor taking anti-covid vax complaints vaccine skepticism very seriously at this point, especially depending on delivery.

    edit: the wording communicated something I did not intend. I am assuming everyone here is in good faith, was just trying to point out that there is not necessarily reason for doctors to think so or to hold up under this sort of sustained societal malice/indifference