I’ll go first:
The situation is really dire for keeping the global rise in temperature under 1,5C, not gonna happen as no nation on earth is even close to meeting their own goals let alone those set during COP.
From my part of the world, Sweden I’m seeing less green forces being voted for than 10 years ago. Instead, fascists are being given more and more power globally.
Governments are touting investments and commitment yet in the grand scheme of things jack all is happening. Eight billion mid-size mammals and counting are competing for comfort and security under various levels of despair under class rule.
I’m predicting the charade of investments and commitment as well as the greenwashy non-solutions being held up will soon be turned upside down (~2028) by fascists whom have taken power (~2032) through the fears of people and we’ll have a bleak future not unlike The Road by the end of this century (~2080-2100) as food and water supplies will have destabilized (~2056) due to the unpredictable nature of the climate.
Edit: To clarify, I’m not happy about it -.-