Now that I’ve caught you with the clickbait title,

Basically every post has included some form of toxic self-hate, minus one or two mentioning exercise. While I do like being able to confront these in the first place, the purported goals and name of this community gives people who are giving the exact wrong advice far too much credibility, and the last thing these people need is a comment with the most upbears regurgitating individualistic self-help concepts at them.

If we’re going to keep this sort of community around, I suggest doing some serious research and basing it off of DBT, and integrating serious critiques of CBT style mental healthcare and improvement.

I am just some random nerd who is terrible at self-improvement at general, so I understand taking this with some serious doubt. But I just had to get this off my chest.

Thank you, WithoutFurtherBelay

  • arabiclearner [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    I hate to say it, but we do need more role models who kind of have most of their shit together. Otherwise who is going to follow us? We need more people who are at least looking as jacked/healthy as Hasan Piker because yes, the halo effect is real. I hate to say this, but if the only thing people think about when they see leftists is some skinny guy getting decked by a proud boy, we’re in big trouble. And yes I hear this shit from normies quite often. I know its propaganda, but it’s working.