I have a job in software development, and I enjoy the work I do, my coworkers, and the pay is quite good. However, management keeps the work environment very… unsympathetic. Despite it being a programming job it’s very strict on working in office, and there’s a vibe of everyone just being a mistake or two away from being fired. This came to a head for me when I had a child recently and when my spouse was a couple weeks from her due date she started struggling to get out of bed to use the restroom or get food. However, when I requested to work from home so I could just briefly help her out a couple times a day (a frequency and duration of break which is totally fine in the office), I was made to start my paternity leave early.

I worry about coming across as out of touch, since having paternity leave at all makes me super fortunate, but it feels absolutely terrible having to give that time up and spend it without my kid because of my company’s resoluteness on this matter. (Side note: they’ve explained it to me as not wanting to make exceptions / “play favorites”, while not acknowledging that they themselves can just make the rule that you can be remote at will, when your spouse needs help, etc.) It’s enough for me to start looking at other opportunities when I am able, but I’m back at work without any bites. I just wish to work someplace that feels like it cares about its employees more. But man, job hunts are just so draining, and since my salary expectations are quite a bit higher than they were when I first got this job, the hunt hasn’t actually gotten any easier from me having professional experience. I just want somewhere I can work remote so I can spend more time with my kids, and as a pie in the sky optional requirement I want a democratic workplace, where I can more realistically expect business decisions to be in the employees’ best interests. But the very very few of those that exist are not really looking for new members, and with the kid already here I can’t take a risk on starting a new co-op that could take months to years to become financially solvent, if ever.

Realistically I can just keep working here which I realize puts me in a much more fortunate position than so many fellow humans, but I can feel the stress increase as the employees continue to get spread thinner and thinner, while the company’s massive success YOY does not proportionally scale to our own benefits or salaries increasing, and the parental leave incident has just left an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. I’m just not sure what to do.

  • Yurt_Owl@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    They made us return to office. Some people here are unable to return due to taking care of sick family members and were told that’s not an excuse and will be at threat of redundancy if it continues…

    They literally want people to leave family members to suffer just to sit in an office? And if this makes people upset you get “leave home life at the door”.

    The capitalists all need to die, there will not be a single exception

    • Honestly let’s take Florida and use the whole place as a prison for covid enjoyers. Anyone who’s advocated for a return to in-person, an end to mask mandates, anti-vaccine mandates, we’ll lock them on this god forsaken peninsula until they drown in their own lungs or the rising sea water.

      • Yurt_Owl@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        Ever since i returned to the disease nexus I’ve gotten sick so many times. I have a newfound hatred of colleagues who come in to cough and splutter over everyone especially when they’re privileged enough to actually take sick time. Assholes. Me glaring at them does not seem to make them disolve into a puddle unfortunately